How to Listen to Understand, not to Respond

What does ‘listening to understand’ really mean? Let’s take a step back and appreciate the context in which we ask are confronted with this question. As a small business, we tend to think of internal communication as relatively straightforward- after all, with only 4...

Has your Communication gotten worse?

Missed Communication? Miscommunication Weathering the storm of modern communication breakdown- where do we go wrong in the process of communication? If our world is more connected now than ever before, why is it so difficult to understand each other? We strongly...

Am I a Failed Leader?

How asking for help enables the best leaders to succeed For some, admitting that they need help is a sign of failure, a weakness that executives shouldn’t demonstrate because it undermines their credibility and their ability.  In which case, asking an external...

How to Capture Unspoken Knowledge

Lessons Learned Should be Universal On average, scientists have suggested we make 35,000 decisions a day. How many of your decisions are you aware of making? In an organisation, much of the most valuable knowledge is tacit or implicit. This means that it isn’t...